Snow! It’s snowed like crazy the past 24-48 hours. Our chickens seem to be doing just fine staying in the coop. They’ve come out and “drank” some snow but they’ve seemed to enjoy staying in the coop more so than in the run!
The tractor seemed to work okay to get a path for us to leave the house tomorrow. It only got stuck a couple of times. It was fun to watch through my office window. The tractor I think was most exciting to my 5 (almost 6 as she constantly reminds us) little lady. My husband hooked her up and pulled her around on her sled. The smile below tells it all.

I am for sure ready for things to get somewhat back to normal. I’m ready to be able to drive to work without worrying about the roads. I’m ready for the chickens eggs to not be frozen or their water to not freeze. To not have to worry about my geriatric dog having frostbite. These girls definitely need to go back to school with their bickering. They love each other dearly but they are definitely sisters and definitely have different personalities.
At least we are off the snow emergency level in our county and the county I work in is down to a 1. I’ll have to break out my nice boots though (rather than my crazy farm boots) because I’m told they didn’t completely plow the parking lots! Oh what fun! And we’re to get more on Friday! Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Tags: Baby Chicks, Blogging, blossom, Chicks, country, Dreams, ellianna, emmalyn, family