I’ve been doing some learning about how to make this blog more of a fancy thing that helps others. Everyone has opinions—and as usual some seem more realistic than others. Basically everyone seems to prefer Bluehost and WordPress…that’s what I’ve found—and good thing because that’s what I’m using.
I will be trying to make this into more of a monetizing blog since I have a big decision to make in the next week or so—I may be going part time in my career…either at my current position, a new position that is a dream opportunity, or I may be switching companies.
One of the best ways to make a decision I’ve found is to pray, meditate, and then do a pro/con list. There’s not just my wellbeing that is at stake with this decision—it’s the livelihood of my family and so it feels monumental. And that’s where I have to trust Him to lead us in the right way.
So learning and decisions…that’s what today is about…all while catching up on that huge pile of laundry that has been building!
Tags: Blogging, decisions, Faith, family, God, learning