Anxiety in Littles

February 11, 2025

My kiddos inherited my anxiety and it’s not fun. This morning it was all about the bus. Apparently there are two older kids that are not very kind. That meant we had to try on every single pair of shoes we owned before breaking down and telling mom really what was going on….it was that they didn’t want to ride the bus. The girl had been calling them “little girls” in a mean voice yesterday on the way home and not being kind.

Last week, a 5th grader taught my KG to say the words “shut up.” And we had tears over the bus as well.

I know that I can’t shield them forever and I can’t protect them from mean things. But I do know that I have issues with kiddos being so petrified of riding the bus that they cry. Regardless of them being oversensitive and having a lot of anxiety–the bus should be a safe place to go. They should not have to worry about if they will get hit in the head or on the leg for just being on the bus.

I love my littles and momma bear is on high alert!

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