We finally plunged in–head first. We are starting our farm and we have chickens!
We went to the store and bought not just the minimum, but 12 baby chicks. We went with an assortment of breeds. This was Saturday, by Monday evening, 3 have passed away.
**Look at this cute Goose Sticker: https://amzn.to/3QhZEEV ***
Apparently it is normal to lose some chicks. They are very fragile beings. Cute and fluffy. Some cuddly-some squirrely. Overall, it’s fun to have them in the office for a bit–but it’s scary and sad to lose them. We have to keep them in the house under the heat lamp for at least 4 weeks–gradually reducing the heat. Then for two additional weeks, we’ll keep them in the office without the heat lamp. Then-as long as they all have feathers-we can move them to the garage or their coop outside.
Their coop will be a metal shed that we deck out as a coop. This will allow us to expand our flock of chickens as we grow more used to having them. I am in love with Sapphire Gems-one of which we lost the first day, so we will probably add some of those in the future.
Check out this cup: Simple Modern Cup

Cute Sandals: https://amzn.to/4aOwoOe
Tags: Baby Chicks, Chicks, country