So it has been awhile since I’ve posted. Lots has happened, so I’m not really sure what to write and update you all about. School has ended. I know have an up and coming sassy first grader and a smarter than you kindergartner. Fall will be interesting to say the least, but it’s refreshing how hungry they are for learning…and harming on the wallet how hungry they are for snacks 🙂
We have six teenage chickens that are ready to go outside. Their coop is almost ready. It’s put together, but we have a little more predator proofing to do. We also have six babies that are not ready to go outside. They get too cold. Yes we have named all 12 and I’m super attached. They’ve become part of the family–I don’t know why they wouldn’t. It’s hard not to let an animal that is living and breathing not become part of your life.

This week is dance rehearsal and recitals to kick off the summer. Busy week…and the kid is having anxiety so she’s not sleeping. This momma is exhausted.

My puppy dog Blossom Anne has a tumor in her belly the size of a baseball. Could be benign, could be malignant. But either way it’s made her lose a lot of weight and I don’t like it. She is 14 years old and I’m surprised she’s still here, but it still makes me sad to consider it hurting her occasionally.
Lots of fun things planned for the summer between work and other events. The girls will keep us on our toes. My husband and amazing father in law got the fence built so we can let our dogs roam free in our back yard. We’re counting the days until our vacation to the beach. Anything fun to try at OBX? Girls have never been to the ocean.
Tags: Baby Chicks, blossom, Chicks, country, ellianna, emmalyn, puppy