Chickens Unraveled.

January 29, 2025

I have decided to rename my blog to Chickens Unraveled because it just seems fitting…We’re building our homestead and my love for crochet (thread) is first where the blog idea came from … .and it seems like things in my life unravel a lot! Not necessarily a bad thing…just in a chaotic everyday of life way. 

So here you will read about crochet…canning…chickens…and everyday life. 

Today life consisted of one kid having a fever, so the hubby took her to the doctor. I got the other one on the bus and headed to work. We played phone tag keeping one another updated. I got some PTG stuff done, I got some work done, and then I went home. 5 more days of the long drive before I start my new job. I’m definitely looking forward to it. 

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