Delayed Post from Nov

December 17, 2024

As usual, it’s been a while since I’ve written here…I wish I could change that. I honestly haven’t written since I’ve started my new position, so lots has happened in three months. Maybe that can be my New Year’s resolution—write more consistent updates in my blog!

My new job is that—a job. I like it some days, I don’t others. It pays the bills. I’m told that I am more relaxed than I have been in years. I hate driving an hour or longer to work though. It just is not me. I’ve had two issues that my car has had to be in the “shop” for as well within the three months—so there’s been anxiety over that. Thankfully, the “shop” has been a friend of my husband’s that is relatively affordable!

The girls are doing amazing at school and adjusting to the new routine. We have been blessed with a college student who has been getting them on and off the bus for us so I can adjust my work hours when needed to avoid rush hour. They love her and I think the feeling is mutual! I hope we can keep her for a bit!

My husband had a crazy Jamaica trip, but then started school with sophomores. Sophomores missed a critical period of education due to COVID: middle school. We knew younger generations were going to suffer, but those that were in middle school at the time also are suffering. They didn’t get that awkward butt munch era out of their system, and they just aren’t quite ready for high school yet. So he’s having fun dealing with that…. he’s also dealing with something in his back/shoulder. Literally have not slept an entire night in over a week. I am exhausted. Pain makes people cranky, and caregiver burn out can be real. Those in situations that have either, take care of yourselves!

We’re about to have a cold blast, so I’ll be setting up a water warmer and heater in the chicken coop this weekend. There’s so much research about fire safety, but just as important the research says heat lamps put your chickens in wacky rhythms if you use red light. They already are wacky enough; I don’t think I want anything else getting them crazier! They go to bed by themselves when it’s dark and we just shut them in, but they are ready to be up and at the world chatting at 6a! The weekends we hear about it when we sleep “in” until 7a!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. We already had one meal with extended family. We eat with my dad and Terri and her side of the family tomorrow. Then my husband’s side of the family Friday. Lots and lots of food! Lots and lots of going for the girls and I. Hopefully the introverts will survive! Maybe I’ll have some good thoughts to share here…until then, what are you thankful for this year?

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