
June 19, 2024

As life happens, dreams change, yet they stay the same.

Vacation Bible School is this week and the theme is to that God’s Truth is Best. Breaker Rock Beach. When I was younger, I had many dreams of what life would be like when I would be older…I always thought life would end when I turned 30–and in a lot of ways that seems like it has. In more ways, it seems like life is just beginning and getting to the biggest blessings God has in store for me, and my family. I’ll elaborate more on the 30 age milestone later.

When I was younger, I wanted to open up a farm for foster kids, or kids that just needed to be able to come and have therapy. They could ride horses and play with animals. I also never expected to be in the position I am at the company I am. (My father even told me I’d never be here when I started working here.) I honestly thought I’d be a teacher or social worker.

I never thought I’d have 12 chickens. I never thought I’d tell my husband it’s completely okay with me to breed cows. I never thought I’d actually live on almost 9 acres. There’s a lot of things I never considered in my dreams.

Through it all though, I somehow still have the dream to have a horse in some capacity. Maybe that is to have one for myself or for my girls. Regardless, that dream sticks.

I believe that while we can’t just follow our hearts and ignore God’s wisdom and ways–as His ways are always truly better–He does give us dreams for a reason. I see this in a couple areas of my life profusely…Mean, I do not like that He currently has me still in my current position at work. I would have loved to have been able to move on and go somewhere else, start fresh and get away from some of the things that have happened over the last few months. But that’s not what He has in store for me career wise right now. He has me where I’m at for a reason. And then I see that He has placed us next to a neighbor who has built a beautiful horse barn and might just make it possible for us to eventually own a horse or two AND raise cattle on our land–two things that we want to do.

Ultimately-I’m writing this and thinking that what I want to say is: God has you in His hands. As a kid who accepted Him early on, I had dreams. They’ve changed in how they might be achieved and I took some wrong turns in my life–believe me. But the core of those dreams are still there and sometimes they are bigger and better than I could ever imagine. And it’s like the song at VBS says–The Truth of God Stands the Test of Time. I will follow Him–even if it doesn’t align with what my heart may want…(even if that includes never getting that horse…)

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