The girls have been going to a literacy camp this week. I signed them up for a couple of reasons…1–to give their dad a couple hours by himself. He’s a school teacher so he automatically gets summers off and stays home with them. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a couple hours alone. 2–Reading, writing, etc is a great way to keep their skills up! Especially Emmalyn as she could easily slide in her first official summer between grades. She was easy to convince because her Kindergarten teacher was working the camp anyways 🙂 Ellianna on the other hand, is not quite sure she is ready for school…
Ellianna is the keeper of the big chickens. They’ve moved to her coop and she is taking full responsibility of trying to stay up and put them to bed. Unfortunately for her, the chickens stay up later than her and wake up before she does. Goldie thinks she needs more than the run too–she wants to free range I think. We’re not up for chasing her all around though, so the run and coop it is for her so far! I may have to talk the hubby into a bigger run though!
The baby chickens need some work on becoming a little more friendly. Emmalyn is the one who is more in love with them and she is incredibly loud around them–she loves to announce when they are on the chicken “boost” as she calls it. So we’ll take the advice I found online and start feeding them by hand. We’re hoping that we can get them at least to be easy to move in and out of the run/coop once they move outside. They’ll hopefully be feathered fully and ready for the outside in a week or so!