Sourdough Starter

February 12, 2025

So my husband and I have been talking more and more about what we have been putting in our bodies. We especially think about this when we are planning our garden. What do we want to plant? What plants are friends with one another? What are we going to use to fertilize? So many variables actually go into gardening. Sometimes it gets so complicated I have to remind myself to make it simple!

One of the latest internet crazes has been sourdough starters and sourdough bread. Personally, I prefer gluten-free items. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a long time ago, but a recent biopsy, conducted while I was on a gluten-containing diet, came back negative. This suggests, as a rare case study indicated, that mono can mimic the signs of Celiac Disease. However, my diagnosis remains inconclusive. Regardless, I believe we all consume too much gluten. Gluten-free options are delicious, and King Arthur offers a fantastic 1:1 substitute for wheat flour, which I used this time!

We’re on Day 3 of the Sourdough Starter…we discarded the first half this morning and we will discard more this evening and re-feed it. It smelled sweetish and was rising like I expected. Let’s hope it continues going this way and we can make some yummy sourdough bread this weekend!

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